CDHA is led by a Management Committee made up of a maximum of 15 local tenants & residents and other individuals with an interest and or skill that suits the aims of the Association. Each Management Committee member brings particular skills and experience to the governing body. The Management Committee are tasked with making the key decisions about the Association’s direction and provide challenge and oversight of the staff team to ensure that all decisions and services are provided and delivered in the best interests of our tenants and customers. The Management Committee meet on a monthly basis. More information on our Management Committee is detailed below.
The Management Committee is supported in its work by two sub committees:
Finance & Audit Sub Committee which has the remit of providing validation to the Management Committee that management systems and controls in place are effective and for internal and external audit. The Committee is also responsible for overseeing the Association’s role in relation to risk management and finance and received reports on budget versus spend along with management accounts. Both the Internal and External Auditors attend at the Finance and Audit Sub Committee to present annual plans and give reports on outcomes.
Staffing Sub Committee with the remit of overseeing the Association’s role in relation to staffing and all HR functions. This sub committee meets on an adhoc basis.
At present the structure is:
Full Committee of Management 9 members
Mr Alastair Penney (Chairperson)
Ms Marion McMillan (Vice Chairperson)
Mr Chris Carr (Treasurer)
Mrs Sue Harper
Mr Bruce Strathearn
Mr Gamal Haddou
Mrs Patricia Crockett
Ms Trudi Tokarczyk
Ms Lesley Dunan
Finance & Audit Sub Committee 6 members
Mr Chris Carr (Chairperson)
Ms Marion McMillan
Mr Gamal Haddou
Mr Bruce Strathearn
Ms Trudi Tokarczyk
Mrs Sue Harper
Staffing Sub Committee 4 members
Mr Gamal Haddou (Chairperson)
Ms Marion McMillan
Mr Alastair Penney
Mr Chris Carr
Meet the Management Committee
Alastair Penney
Alastair was elected as Chairperson after the AGM in 2022. Alastair joined the Association in 2017 as a local business person with a keen interest in providing healthy homes to our tenants. Alastair is the local pharmacist and as a key business owner in the area brings a wealth of knowledge to the organisation. Alastair cares passionately about tenants having healthy homes to live in and the Association providing good quality homes.
Marion McMillan
Vice Chairperson
Marion was elected Vice Chairperson after the AGM in 2022. She joined the Committee of Management in 2006 and was first elected to the post of Chair in 2017 which she held for 5 years. Marion has many years of experience in Social Housing and is a familiar face at all networking groups, sits on the Langside Area Partnership group and holds the SQA qualification in “Governance of the Scottish Housing Association”
Marion is a tenant of the Association and takes a keen interest in both the history and the future of the Cathcart area. She cares passionately about the service the Association provides to its customers.
Chris Carr
Chris joined the Committee following the AGM in 2018. Chris is a Workplace Consultant and as such brings skills both to our development programme and is a prominent figure in discussions about our office space needs. Chris is currently the Chairperson of the Finance & Audit Sub Committee. He has lived in Cathcart since 2016, is a local owner occupier and has a genuine interest in the current and future needs of the area.
Christine Leitch
Christine has been employed by the organisation since 1988 and has held the position of Director since 2008. She was elected as Secretary after the AGM in 2022.
Christine has a Master’s Degree in Housing Studies and keeps abreast of all new legislation by being part of many networking organisations. She is also a corporate member of Chartered Institute of Housing. Christine co-ordinates the Association and ensures excellent customer service prevails and the Committee receive good quality information.
Sue Harper
Committee Member
Sue has been a committee member since 2015 and has a working history in IT and provides valuable assistance in this area. Sue cares passionately about the tenants and the ways in which we engage with all our customers. She has held the office of treasurer and was previously the Chairperson of the Finance and Audit Sub Committee.
Committee Member
Bruce has been a committee member since 2003 and originally joined to represent former GHA tenants prior to stock transfer. Bruce has extensive experience in Housing Association maintenance and currently works for another Community Controlled RSL.
Bruce’s expertise is in ensuring that the Association can demonstrate value for money in all its endeavours and he is eager to ensure tenants needs are met.
Committee Member
Betty joined the Committee in 2013 as tenant member. She has previous experience on a housing Committee in another area of Glasgow prior to being rehoused in Cathcart. She has a main interest in the service that CDHA provides to tenants and is interested in the Housing Management delivery methods.
Committee Member
Gamal joined the Committee in 2017 initially as a Board member of the Association’s subsidiary (now closed). Gamal is a qualified Chartered Accountant and provided professional guidance and assistance to the board of the Subsidiary. Once this closed down Gamal accepted a position on the Management Committee. He is a prominent figure on the Committee and provides a wealth of governance, finance knowledge and challenge along with general experience gained in working in a Community Controlled Housing Association for many years. Gamal obtained Chartered Membership of CIH in 2021.
Trudi Tokarczyk
Committee Member
Trudi joined the Committee at the AGM in 2019. Trudi is a housing professional who has a wealth of policy knowledge having worked in Housing Research and now part of performance monitoring consortium. Trudi is particularly interested in ensuring our tenant engagement and digital inclusion progress meets best practice going forward. Her knowledge allows her to challenge in a meaningful way at all meetings.
Committee Member
Patricia joined the Committee in 2019 as a tenant member. Patricia has a keen interest in the work CDHA does with their tenants and the ongoing improvement work to our properties. Patricia is particularly interested in the policy work undertaken by CDHA.
Lesley Dunan
Committee Member
Bio to follow